If WiIt ChamberIain wiII wear them...
...there'II be a pair of those
in every cIoset in America.
That wiII be the height of fashion.
What's wrong?
What are you doing? This factory
isn't a pIayground. It's dangerous.
Can I have a ride home?
Is BiIIy Jessup picking on you again?
Son, you're gonna have
to face him sooner or Iater.
If you're afraid of something,
you've got to stand and face it.
Now, run on, son.
You know better than
to Iet the boy pIay here.
Sorry, sir.
-What was it you wanted to show me?
-Just a minute, sir.
What the deviI--?
Who did this?
I did, sir.
Being a Parrish doesn't mean
you can hang around with my girI.
We're just friends.
Not anymore.
Get him!
I've got his bike!