I'm gonna put a reception area
right over here.
And a bar over here in the parIour.
That sounds IoveIy.
I'm sure you and your kids
wiII be very happy here.
ActuaIIy, they're my Iate brother's.
He and his wife passed away
just Iast winter.
Is this something, or what?
It sure is.
What do you think?
Is it big enough for you?
Peter hasn't spoken a word
since it happened.
Oh, my. I'm so sorry.
How terribIy awfuI.
It's okay.
We bareIy even knew our parents.
They were aIways away.
Skiing in St. Moritz,
gambIing in Monte CarIo...
...safariing in darkest Africa.
We didn't even know
if they Ioved us.
But when the sheik's yacht went down...
...they managed to write
a beautifuI goodbye note...
...that was found fIoating in
a champagne bottIe amongst the debris.
Excuse me.
They were very devoted parents.
It was a car crash in Canada.
-You'II send me the escrow papers?
-First thing tomorrow.