I bet those monkeys came from the game.
The mosquitoes too.
I didn't see this part.
''Adventurers, beware.''
''Adventurers, beware. Do not begin
unIess you intend to finish.
The consequences of the game vanish
when a pIayer has reached Jumanji...
...and caIIed out its name.''
-The monkeys are gone.
-Put it away.
If we finish the game,
it'II aII go away.
Let's do it
or Aunt Nora'II pitch a fit.
We shouId get through it quickIy.
I mean, there's no skiII invoIved.
No, you roIIed doubIes.
You get another turn. RoII!
'' His fangs are sharp.
He Iikes your taste.
Your party better move posthaste.''
I don't Iike the sound of that.
Someone's in here.
It's not reaI, Peter.
It's a haIIucination.
Run, Peter!