Somebody roII a five or an eight?
He did.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Sorry if I scared you.
Sorry if I scared you.
I'm back!
Mom! Dad!
I'm home!
I'm back!
It's me!
It's me, AIan, Mom and Dad!
I'm home! I'm back!
Are you my IittIe sister?
No, I'm Judy and he's Peter.
Where's Mom? Is Dad at the factory?
Are you...
...AIan Parrish?
Yeah. Who are you?
We Iive here now.
Where's my mom and dad?
We don't know.
This house has been empty for years.
Everyone thought you were dead.
-Give me that description again.
-Red fur and tails.
Get down off of my car, pIease,
and get up on the sidewaIk.