Easy, girI.
Do you know what happened
to the shoe factory?
Yeah, it foIded up.
Like everything eIse in this town.
It's pretty coId out there.
How about some coffee?
Why wouId they cIose Parrish Shoes?
When his kid ran away, Sam put
everything he had into finding him.
His time, his money....
After a whiIe,
he stopped coming to work.
He just quit caring.
I don't think anybody Ioved his boy
more than Sam did.
You're gonna freeze out there.
Thank you.
Are the Parrishes stiII around?
-I see them now and then.
They're over on Adams Street.
Our parents are dead too.
They were in the MiddIe East
negotiating peace when--
Our dad was in advertising.
I bet you miss him, huh?
Me too.
There he goes again.
I know you're upset,
but we shouId finish the game.
We? Why do you need me?