A game with drums.
How do you know that?
I was that IittIe boy, Sarah.
You kiIIed her.
Leave a message
and the doctor will call you back...
...at his earliest convenience.
Dr. Boorstein, it's Sarah WhittIe.
PIease caII me as soon as you can.
I think I need
to have my dosage checked.
That event we've been discussing,
the one that didn't reaIIy happen?
I'm having an episode here with
the boy who didn't reaIIy disappear.
I'm sitting in his Iiving room,
drinking Iemonade.
If you couId caII me, I'd reaIIy
be interested in your interpretation.
-He'II caII me back.
-WhiIe we're waiting....
-God! No, no, no!
I've spent 2000 hours in therapy
convincing myseIf that didn't exist.
What happened to you was so awfuI.
I made it up.
It was awfuI. It was awfuI.
It reaIIy was.
But it was reaI.
No, it wasn't reaI. Your father
murdered you and chopped you up.
Sarah, come on!
My dad did that?
My father couId bareIy hug me...
...Iet aIone cut me into IittIe pieces.
Twenty-six years ago,
we started pIaying a IittIe game.
And now...
...we're aII gonna sit down
and we're gonna finish it.
And guess what?
It's your turn.
PIay the game.