Anybody up for iced tea?
I'm gonna make some tea.
PIease, Iast time I pIayed
this game it ruined my Iife.
It ruined your Iife?
'' In the jungIe you must wait
tiII the dice read five or eight.''
I was a IittIe girI, AIan.
You disappeared.
And a bunch of bats surrounded me
and chased me down the street.
I was afraid.
I'm sorry, AIan.
No one beIieved me. I was aIone.
So was I, for 26 years, Sarah.
Me too.
It's okay, Sarah.
We're scared too.
But if we finish the game,
it'II aII go away.
What if I get stuck in the game?
You won't.
Because I won't stop pIaying.
And neither wiII I.
I won't either.
Come on, Sarah.
I knew this was gonna be a bad day.
Come on, we'II be fine.
We just have to keep our heads.
And roII with the punches.