''A hunter from the darkest wiId...
...makes you feeI just Iike a chiId.''
What is it?
Van PeIt.
You miserabIe coward!
Come back and face me Iike a man.
Not good enough, Sonny Jim.
Coming, ready or not.
Hey, you!
Drop your gun
and get your hands in the air!
Man, I don't beIieve this!
Even if AIan gets out
of this situation...
...it'II happen over and over again.
When you carry repressed anger,
it attracts a Iot of negative energy.
Things happen, Iike ending up
in the jungIe. That was no accident.
There are no accidents.
Whose turn is it?
-It's my turn.
-ReaIIy? Great.
You might've toId us
there was a man who hunts peopIe.