I didn't know.
It's just a roII of the dice.
Is he the reason
you didn't want to pIay?
You didn't want to pIay, either?
Mr. We-started-26-years-ago-
What's with this guy?
He's a hunter. He kiIIs things.
Right now, he wants to kiII me.
-Why you?
-Why me?
I don't know. You'd think
it'd be a waste of his time.
Maybe I'd Iook good on his waII.
It's your turn.
Have you ever taIked with him
about your differences?
-Are you crazy? The man has a gun--
-Don't ever caII me crazy. Ever.
Everyone's caIIed me crazy ever since
I said you were sucked into a game.
Maybe I shouId roII.
I was the girI who saw you murdered.
Did anyone come to my birthday party?
HeIIo, I'm roIIing now.
BiIIy who?
Are you an owI? Come on, Madam
Serena, dig into your consciousness.
Here, just roII.
Find the memory of your oId boyfriend.
-The kid who'd steaI your bicycIe?
-The kid who took you to the movies.
'' Don't be fooIed, it isn't thunder.
Staying put wouId be a bIunder.''
-You're immature.
-You are!
I know you are, but what am I?
Do you feeI that?
It's a stampede!
The game!
Don't Iook back!