No, I'm Judy and he's Peter.
Where's Mom? Is Dad at the factory?
Are you...
...Alan Parrish?
Yeah. Who are you?
We live here now.
Where's my mom and dad?
We don't know.
This house has been empty for years.
Everyone thought you were dead.
-Give me that description again.
-Red fur and tails.
Get down off of my car, please,
and get up on the sidewalk.
-What year is it?
-It was brand-new.
-No. What year is it?
-1995, remember?
You got some I.D.? Let me guess,
it's in your other Tarzan outfit.
-26 years.
-Are you from around here?
I was. But I've been in Jumanji.
He was in the Peace Corps.
-Carl Bentley, the sole man.
-Is this man related to you?
-Yes, he's our uncle.
-Does he always dress like that?
Yeah, he's a vegetarian.
Get out of there!
Monkeys. Monkeys.
Is he all right upstairs?
He suffered a head injury
a few months ago.