-God! No, no, no!
I've spent 2000 hours in therapy
convincing myself that didn't exist.
What happened to you was so awful.
I made it up.
It was awful. It was awful.
It really was.
But it was real.
No, it wasn't real. Your father
murdered you and chopped you up.
Sarah, come on!
My dad did that?
My father could barely hug me...
...let alone cut me into little pieces.
Twenty-six years ago,
we started playing a little game.
And now...
...we're all gonna sit down
and we're gonna finish it.
And guess what?
It's your turn.
Play the game.
-Oh, no, no.
Just give me the dice and you can
go home. You don't have to play.
Thank you, Alan.
Oh, my God! How could you do that?
It's the law of the jungle.
You'll get used to it.
When I think of the energy I spent
visualizing you as a radiant spirit--
Go on, read it.
"They grow much faster than bamboo.
Take care or they'll come after you."
Oh, great!
Oh, God.
Tell me this isn't happening.
It is. Stay away from the walls.
Don't touch anything.
No quick movements.
-They're beautiful.
-Yeah, they're beautiful.
Don't touch the purple ones.
They shoot poisonous barbs.