"At the first official electrocution in 1890...
"...the victim had the electrodes
removed from his head...
"...after 15 seconds.
"Suddenly he opened his eyes
and began gasping for air...
"...apparently unaware
that he was supposed to be dead.
"The warden and all present
lost their wits...
"...before calling for the current
to be turned back on.
"Witnesses describe a blue flame
playing about the base of the spine.
"This time the electricity flowed
for four minutes.
"Over the years, other witnesses
to electrocutions...
"...have described the prisoner
catching fire...
"...the electricity so powerful...
"...that the eyeballs pop out
onto the cheeks...
"...a sound like bacon frying.
"During the autopsy, the liver is so hot
that it can't be touched by human hands.
"Despite its best efforts,
this justice system has killed...
"...at least 23 innocent men...
"...and sentences blacks who kill whites...
"...seven times more than whites
who kill blacks. "
...to the 1990s.
Over 100 years of progress.
You paint a grim picture indeed, Professor.
I wish you had been as vivid
describing the victims.