Just Cause

Mr. Armstrong?
Now, you listen to me.
Do you think if I'd gotten physical
with Bobby Earl...

...he wouldn't be wearing my anger
all over him at that arraignment?

What do you think, Professor?
I'm impressed.
You have a nice day now.
Harvard University. Do tell.
I'm a graduate of Florida State.
Bobby Earl Ferguson.
Change of venue, denied.
Motion to suppress a confession, denied.
Objection to an all-white jury, overruled.
Noted for the record.
I said, "You'll have to plead guilty,
take a 25-year hit.

"You'll have a life left when you come out."
He says, "But, sir, I didn't do it."
So he made you go to trial?
This matching blood statement
by Dr. Doliveau...

...why didn't you challenge it?
Even us backwoods
Florida State Law School alumni know...

...that an O-positive match
doesn't mean anything...

...unless you get genetic screening
or an enzyme-base analysis.

You just narrowed it down
to 40 million suspects.

How did this testimony
survive cross-examination?

Half the people in the courtroom knew
that woman well.

She's known here as a very fine physician.
And a doctor is a god.
You know that.
Jury didn't care.
I'll tell you, worst thing in that courtroom
was Bobby Earl himself.

He sat there, day after day,
looking guilty as hell.

It's not a popularity contest.
I find that a naive statement, Counselor.
Is that what you teach your law students:
