I'd been plea bargaining everything
that came across my desk.
I just wanted to show
the good old boys how good I was.
I was hot for it.
Thought I had the case locked tight.
My star witness, the arresting officer.
He said when he came up on the car,
that Bobby Earl was on top of her...
...in the back seat and she was screaming.
Two seconds into the cross-examination...
...the defense attorney produces
a prom photo...
...with my star witness in a tuxedo
with the victim.
Son of a bitch admits
they were high school sweethearts!
I didn't want to give up, so...
...I got the judge to grant me
a 24-hour recess so I could regroup.
I came back with nothing
and he threw the case out.
Why the hell didn't you tell me?
I did. I told you when I met you.
Should've told me
when you read the letter.
-I didn't--
-Why not?
I didn't know if it would influence you.
That you might not take the case,
you might not help this kid.
He paid dearly for what happened to him.
Why? Because he lost a scholarship
and spent an extra night in prison?
No, Paul.
It was more than that.
Later, I found out that they beat him
real bad that night.
He ended up in the hospital.
It was my fault.
I want you to help him get his life back.
I want you to make it right for him.
No, Laurie, you want me
to make it right for you.
You're right.
But how does what I'm telling you
change his situation on Death Row?