There's a couple hundred of them here,
if you want to keep looking.
Do people live in a place like that?
Hell, no.
An old poacher's shack,
what they call a hunting blind.
It's a camp for gator hunters.
Do the skinning there, rest up
in the evening. It's a nighttime thing.
What the hell is he doing now?
What now?
Look at this: one, one, one.
What about it?
Sullivan said we have to read the signs.
Eleven-one. Chapter eleven, verse one.
You're a real hard case.
You know that?
You're fishing! Nothing's out here!
You're fishing!
The man's an idiot!
Goddamn it!
How about this?
North, south. South, north.
That's a tree.
Make your point.
Step down here, please.
I've just about run out of patience
with you.
Step down.
I hope this is good.