I'll scramble your brains!
Dad she's abusing us!
Get lost!
You won't ever find a groom like me!
You seem to live in this area.
Is she a girl or boy?
Whom are you asking?
I'll tell you what I am.
Run! Eunuch!
Saw that? He was the fifth specimen.
Before my Dad gives my hand
to somebody else...
Hold my hand.
He doesn't care about you but
you chase him like a fool.
What's special about him
that you only want him?
Dad he has what nobody else has.
He slapped me once in childhood.
On my cheek but it left
its' imprint on my heart.
But the day you get slapped,
you'll forget finding grooms for me!
No! It isn't nothing...
It's medicine.
Liquor in a medicine bottle?
I slog hard to buy medicines.
And you have this poison?
I want to save you
and you want to die?
There's still time. Change yourself!
Great! Simply superb!