Know what I want to do?
What do I want to do?
You want to fuck me.
But you can't fuck me.
Why not?
You know why.
'Cause you're a virgin?
'Cause I don't want no baby.
You think I want a baby?
With me, you don't have to worry
about that kind of shit.
Why is that?
'Cause I like you.
I think you're beautiful...
And I think if we fucked,
you'd love it.
You wouldn't believe it.
I wouldn't believe it?
I don't know, I just think
you would love it, that's all.
I don't know. I'm scared
that things would change...
between us.
What things?
Nothing's going to change.
I just want to make
you happy, that's all.
You know
it won't hurt.
I'll be gentle,
I promise.
Do you care about me?
Of course I do.