Fucking perverted bastard,
I swear.
I'm tellin' you, Cas,
I'm getting addicted
to this shit.
To what, virgins?
It's all I think about now.
Having complex fantasies
and shit.
- What do you mean?
- Like going all out.
You mean, like fucking
two virgins at once?
That would be kinda sweet,
but I mean like...
when I was fucking her,
I kept thinking how much
I wanted to put it in her ass.
She'd probably smash you
in the grille, kid.
I don't know about that.
She was pretty into it.
What do you want to do?
Get another 40.
Smoke a blunt or some shit.
- You hungry?
- I'm fucking starving, yo.
Wait up a sec.
I'm taking a piss.
Right up on this piece.
Hey, let's go to Paul's house.
Paul, what for?
That guy's a dick.
Yeah, but he always got food.
He got them microwave
burrito things, you know?
Think he's got any herb
on him?
He quit dealing,
but I'm sure he'll smoke us out.
- You think?
- Probably.
He lives on 76th, right?
Let's be ghosts, man.
Hey, Telly,
she suck your dick, man?
A little bit,
but I really didn't want her to.
Why not, man?
Having a virgin suck your dick,
that's so basic, man.
It's simple. It's easy.
But like, if you deflower a girl,
You're the man!
No one can ever
do that again.
You're the only one.
No one has the power
to do that again.
The way I see it,
my outlook on the situation...
Mr. Wizard.
It's like getting fame,
you know?
Say you was to die
tomorrow, right?
50 years from now,
all the virgins you ever fucked
will remember you.
They'll tell their grandkids
about that shit.
"That Telly, he sure
was good in the sack."
You thirsty?
Hells, yeah.
I'm fucking dehydrated.
You got any money?
Three pennies
and a ball of lint, kid.
You down with the boost?