
What's all this shit, man?
Fuckin' up our crib.
Fuck the crib.
Move the fuck over,
you bitch ass.

What's going on?
Nothin'. Chillin'.
What y'all up to?

You want a whip-it?
Give me one of them shits.
This balloon almost busted,
so be careful.

This video is phat.
Listen for that crack.
Pop that shit.
I told you, be careful.
How you doin' there?
You're going to be a vegetable
when you're older.

Fuck off.
- My God. Look at his lip.
- Check it out, nigga.

Shut the fuck up, bitch!
Your lips are blue.
Shut up!
You don't even know me, nigga.

Look at this kid, yo.
He's like a fiend.

That's why I like this shit.
They wake my brain up.
There's more, man.
- How many people live here?
- Too many.

No, only eight or nine.
Where does everyone sleep?
You homosexuals?

No, get the fuck out of here.
It's a flophouse, man.

We're still short on the rent.
If we had a faggot,
he'd pay the rent.

You and Casper can move in.
You could share the bathtub.
- I don't know about that.
- Yo, Telly...

Jenny says, "What's up?"
Jenny who?
You know, Jenny.
Casper: That pretty girl you boned
last summer.

I haven't seen her in forever.
What's she up to?
