It's like...
it's just nasty.
You drink and drink
and you cannot get...
the taste out of your mouth.
The sperm get stuck in your teeth.
They're disgusting.
You gotta sit down and eat
a whole real meal.
All I know is that
condoms suck.
They don't work.
They either slip off, or break,
or make your dick shrink.
You got a small condom, huh?
We still got to use them.
I did once.
Telly's the only guy
I've had sex with.
- I thought you had sex with A.J.
- No, we just messed around.
That's the whole thing,
you know?
You hear of all these diseases.
Disease this,
disease that...
fucking everyone's dying and shit.
That shit is made up.
I don't know no kid with AIDS.
Ain't no one I know died
from that shit.
Fucking, that's just
some make-believe story.
(laughter and clapping)
It's bullshit!
We all going to die anyway.
I'm going to go out fucking.
- Yeah.
- You know what I'm saying?
One guy got tested.
He was negative.
This other guy...
he'd fucked only two other girls,
and they were virgins,
so he was safe.
But then this other guy I just fucked,
which was a mistake.
Heat of the moment
kind of thing.
But I went to the clinic last week
with Jenny...
to get ourselves checked,
to be safe.
Jenny went?
She got tested with me
so that I didn't have to be alone.
Word, they ask
a lot of questions?
how old are you?
How many people have you
had vaginal intercourse with?
- One.
- Were you protected?
- How old are you, honey?
- 17.