I think he's mad at me
or something. But who cares?
It's like,
"Get off your high horse.
If I want to see other guys
I'll see other guys."
So it's just like...
I can't deal with
that jealous crap.
I don't know why I see him
in the first place.
He's a jerk!
Giving me a hard time. That crap.
I think I'm just gonna
dump him completely.
I was just tryin' to be nice,
but if he's gonna get...
It must have been
something I ate.
Ruby, follow me.
- Wish me luck.
- Good luck.
You tested negative
for all sexually transmitted
diseases and infections.
You're clean.
I can't tell you
how nervous I was.
I didn't sleep last night.
Now you have to be careful,
Ruby, okay?
I want you to take these
pamphlets and read them.
And, Ruby, read them.
Jenny, you've tested
positive for the H IV virus.
The test isn't 100% accurate.
I tested positive?
I'm sorry.
I only had sex with Telly.
I just came to keep
Ruby company.