Now, you see her? The lndian? l just love her.
- She's nice.
- No, l love her. We're engaged.
l wanna grow old with her and shit.
You know what l'm tryin' to say?
You remember me?
l heard you lost your wife.
l lost my father last week.
Whaddaya think is worse?
Losin' a wife or losin' a father?
l don't know.
l guess it depends on the individual,
the relationship, whatnot.
You know what an asthma attack feels like?
Feels like you're tryin' to breathe air
through a flattened straw.
But if l take a hit ofthis, most times l'm OK.
Like that.
But my old man?
ln the end?
He had less than five per cent
of his lung capacity.
l mean... he went out hard.
l'm sorry to hear that.
lf that starts happenin' with me -
with genetics and shit - it's silver-bullet time.
l'll do it myself.