Hey! Hey! What are you fuckin' doin'?
What are you worrying
about the guy for, huh?!
What guy? What fucking guy?
Whaddaya wanna know for?
That's fucking great.
l did three years for you.
Hey, hey, hey.
l did three years for you,
you paranoid motherfucker, OK?
Full time, not a day less, for you.
What do you wanna know about the guy for?
JJ pointed him out to me,
like two minutes before you sat down.
lf he's got a big fuckin' mouth, take it up
with him. l was tryin' to make conversation.
lt's been a hard week.
l'm sorry. l just lost control, you know, so...
Wanna go for a ride?
Let's go for a ride. Come on.
No problem.
Know what an acronym is?
lt's like letters that stand for things.
You know, like FBl, TGlF. You understand?
l have an acronym for myself.
Know what it is?
B-A-D. Balls, attitude, direction.
You should give yourself an acronym.
Cos it helps you visualise your goals.