Omar, the cars.
Yeah, man. You got the titles and shit?
Always do.
All right, l'll take 'em all. Except that Explorer.
What's the matter with the Explorer?
lt's red.
- So have 'em paint it.
- No. No, man.
No, it'd still be red under the paint.
Red's my bad luck colour.
l ain't got nothin' to do with red.
You're some funny people, my man.
- You got them nines for me?
- Right here.
Are you interested in Macs?
l'll get you a dozen.
Macs? Yeah, man. l'll take Macs. Yeah.
You got 'em.
This motherfucker smells scared, Junior.
l don't like that.
You wanna dance with me?
Cos l love to dance.
You hear what l'm sayin'?
No more new fuckin' faces, all right?
How about you? You afraid of red?
What am l, an interior decorator?
l don't give a shit.
Good. The Explorer's yours.