Not one of them
is over five years old.
Listen. Let us have
maybe a couple of hours...
and we'll sort this thing out.
Only the third eye...
wilt enable you to enter...
the world of appearances.
But beware...
because this sordid world
of temptation and perversion...
is also the world of desire.
Try, Brother Angel Joseph...
to discover it...
without your losing sight...
of the only true light.
Be strong.
My brothers...
our grace...
our great superior race...
shall reign once more...
on Earth !
From that day on...
our faithful third eye...
will become useless...
as the world of appearances...
will be abolished.
lt's Denree.
l see!
What's that?
That, Brother Angel Joseph...
is a female.
- A female.
- Do you have a problem?