You win! I surrender!
If everyone ran from an argument,
there'd be a stampede, already!
But we'd all be going
the same way!
You talkin' to me?
You talkin' to me,
...the guy says: "For cash,
I'd even murder!"
He tells his friend:
"I'd even waste you."
The friend freaks,
so the guy says:
"Don't worry, you're a buddy.
"I won't waste you for cash,
I'll do it for free!"
What a killer line! "For free!"
"I'll waste you for free!"
What a line, Vinz!
I got it the first time.
Tell your brother to come see me!
What a killer put-down!
"I'll waste you for free!"
Shut up and gimme the joint.
- A killer line!
- Killer.
"I'd waste you for free."
Can't do better than that!
Why you so uptight?
Bastards wrecked everything!
Check that!
I don't believe it!
How'd they get the car in?
The doorway's too narrow.