That's a Yamaha.
More like your Mom on a Harley!
It's Mohammed's bike.
He fixed the exhaust.
No, it's Vinz's Mom on a Yamaha!
Which Mohammed?
Farida's brother?
Farida with the driver's licence?
No, Farida from the supermarket.
Anyway, it was a scene.
You should've been there Hubert.
It was intense.
Tear gas, 2 nights in a cop shop,
all the fists you can eat,
getting hell at home:
sorry cousin, but I ain't buyin'!
Gimme a break! It was war
against the pigs, in living color!
I was trying to make some cash.
Your bogus riot fucked it up!
When a brother goes down,
I stand up!
What brother?
Do I know the guy?
I won't take hits for
a homeboy gangsta I don't know.
Let's go.
I mean it!
Abdel's no gangsta.
OK, but I'm not faster
than a speeding bullet!
Hey, hands off the hot dogs!
Gimme one.
And go broke?
Don't make us cry!
I'll make you cry, Sayid!
Everyone pays the same!
Except Hubert, it's his building.
A buck?
A buck for one, OK two!
You're a drag!
You should try one.
- Got a buck?
- Yeah, for me!
No way, I'll remember this!
- So remember.
- Never forget.
Don't be a jerk. I'll pay later.
How? With your sister?
Don't talk that way about her!