with that piece
you're the big man.
Hey, wait for me!
Fuck it...
What the fuck ya doin'?
OK, don't have a shit fit!
Sorry, fellas, you can't go in.
Let us in. We came to see Abdel.
Sorry, I have my orders.
Just a couple of minutes.
Then we'll leave.
He's our friend.
The docs won't let you in.
He's in a coma.
We won't make trouble!
If I let you in,
- I'll lose my job.
- Sure, flunkey!
Tone it down.
His family's here.
They need peace and quiet!
We're not as good as reporters?
Get going!
Hands off, man!
You gonna make me leave?
Gonna shoot me?
Pull out your pop gun!
What's going on here?
Look at that fuckface!
We came to see our pal Abdel!
We won't leave till we see him.
Beat it, before I take you in.