Oh, yeah?
You shut up!
Move 'em out!
We can be nice or nasty.
It's up to you!
Calm down!
Lieut., these kids made trouble.
I got the ringleader.
- He did nothing.
- I arrested the leader.
- What leader?
- He means Sayid.
Sure, Uncle Tom!
Things aren't bad enough.
You had to go to the hospital?
They were only doing their job.
Doing their job?
Shut your yap, once and for all!
- You shut yours!
- Don't talk to me like that!
- Same to you!
- Shut up, will ya!
You don't know a fucking thing!
What do you know?
Cut it out, asshole.
- Watch your tongue!
- If you watch yours!
The bastards who beat up Abdel
will go to jail!
You're dreaming.
The cops at the hospital
protect Abdel and his family.
You just fuck things up!
You idiot, you got it all wrong.
Those cops
are just protecting Abdel!
Most cops don't beat on you.
They protect you!
Who protects us from you?