Never do it again!
Who writes your jokes?
Watch your tongue!
Watch your mother!
You ever trash me again,
you go to central lock-up.
Your brother can bail you out.
- I didn't ask no favors.
- I did it for your brother.
He'd rip you apart!
You're the ripper.
About the boxing gym:
I can get you a City grant.
You'll get another gym.
Kids want to punch
more than bags now!
It's hopeless. Once I could talk
to the kids. No more.
And they know me!
A rookie cop wouldn't last a month.
An Arab in a police station
doesn't last an hour!
I have to go.
Try to keep cool.
Yeah, we'll try.
Outta my face, you fucker!
You shook his hand?
He's always been cool with me.
You don't shake a pig's hand!
You shoot him, I shake his hand!
You're a fuckin'pain!