
Schiperi Socialiste...
Were they socialist or communist?
Who put you in jail,
the socialists or communists?

Did you meddle in politics?
Have you finished? If you pee in
my car again, I'Il kiIl you.

Wait, take it easy!
I'm friend, understand?
Easy, I help you
and you be good.
If you do as I say
nothing will happen to you.

We're friends...
Do you understand?

Perhaps it's best
you don't understand.

Now you're chairman do you think
you can do whatever you want?

We bought you a new suit
and here you are in these rags.

What are you doing? Wait!
- Leave me alone.
- What did you say?

Did you say "leave me alone"?
How come you speak Italian?
Perhaps the doctor was right.
She said you weren't Albanian.

She said your name was Michele.
What the hell are you?
Are you Albanian or ltalian?
Tell me who the fuck you are!

If your papers say you're
Albanian, that's all right by me.

You're not scared,
are you, Mr. Chairman?

You could fire me
if you wanted to, just relax...

Let's go.
What the...
