Take it easy...
What's your name?
My name is lsmaiI.
Please meet you.
I like ltaIy, I like ltaIians.
I friend of Italians: Pippo Baudo,
Frizzi, Adriano CeIentano.
I aIways see Italian TV, even
if communism not permit before.
You only sing Italian song
and you go prison.
Communism say:
"You sing ltalian song?
Then you see Italian teIevision.
If you see ltalian
television, you spy."
- And you, no prison?
- No.
I am clever, I am crafty.
War is ugly, eh?
You must
leave your family...
When I Ieft
she cried.
She was expecting a baby.
I said to her: "Don't cry,
I don't want to go to war".
I'll run away.
I'll come back to you, Rosa.
Who is more important in ltaly,
the Pope or the President?
- What do you think?
- I think Pope.
On television always see Pope,
President not so much.