Something to eat? Bread, cheese...
No food, drink, Raki Fernet...
Here, you want eat?
- Take it, very good cheese.
- No.
You don't like Albanian food?
- How much do you want?
- I don't want anything.
1,000 lire, friend.
Friend, 1,000 Iire.
Hey, ltalian, 1,000 lire.
1,000 Iire, ltaIian.
Friend, 1,000 Iire.
1,000 Iire, ltaIian.
Friend, 1,000 Iire.
Bread and cheese.
Eat it, it's fresh.
I'll leave it here,
maybe you'll eat it later.
What are you doing?
Are you trying to piss me off again?
What are you crying about now?
Eat this bread.