Every defeat for us
is a defeat for you.
Every step that takes Franco
closer to poser in Spain
also takes the fascists
closer to power here.
If Franco wins the war...
it would be a major boost
for fascists everywhere.
And before long, comrades...
they will drag
all freedom-loving people
down to barbarism and, and war.
Comrades, whether Spanish
or English, or American or Chinese
we are one class of people
with the same aspiration...
the same hope
for a just and equal society.
I want you to join with us...
make our fight your fight.
Let's come together...
let's come together...
Let's take up the slogan.
No Pasaran.
They shall not pass.
No Pasaran. No Pasaran.
No Pasaran.
No Pasaran.
You've got our support.
We're right behind you.
We wanna fight.
No Pasaran.
I'm going to go to Spain.
What, just like that
you're going to Spain?
Well, not just like that but...
It'll take a while to organise.
I'll go to Barcelona,
sort it out from there.
Why you? Why have you got to go?