Because I can.
I haven't got any kids or nothing.
I mean, you know...
what am I doing here, Kit?
I'm on fifteen bob a week
on the dole.
Y'know, there's millions of us,
out of work.
I'm on, you know, demon-strations,
hunger marches just...
I know. I've been there with you.
I know. But I want to do something.
And you can't do it here?
If we've got to do it,
we've got to do it now.
We've got to stop them
otherwise it's not,
it's going to be too late, Kit.
We'll have no future here.
I can't spare you.
Come here.
Dear Kit...
well I made it.
It was a bit tricky
and the sea was rough.
I was glad to get off that ship.
But Larry, who smuggled me aboard,
turned up trumps.
He got us ashore, in one piece,
at Marseilles...
and put us on the road to Spain.
And then I hitched a lift in
a couple of lorries to the border.
It seems there's no organisation
here to help volunteers like me
you've just got to
make your own way.
With no passport,
crossing the frontier wasn't easy
and I had to walk
across the Pyrenees.
I must have climbed for miles.
My boots are all shot to pieces
and my feet are steaming.
I was scared stiff but we made it.
Would you like to sit down?
Would you like to sit down?
Madam, could you please
move the chickens?
Now I'm in Spain
and everything is so bright
it hurts your eyes.
I've 'copped' the train
for Barcelona.
Maybe I'll see some action.
He said that they could use your
feet as a weapon against Franco.
What do you do here?
Oh, I've come to fight
for the Republic.
Good. The more that
come the sooner we'll win.