Okay. These are capitalists,
these are capitalist countries!
They're capitalist countries,
and if you want their help
you have to moderate your slogans
cos you're scaring them away!
I'm from Germany.
We wanted revolution
and what happened?
We'd been the strongest movement
in Europe...
the best organised
workers' movement.
There were six million of us
in unions
and what happened?
The socialists and the communists
told us...
to make our revolution later.
But I say make the revolution now.
When people see as the village sees
that you can be in charge of
your life, your land,
when collectivisation
becomes a reality,
it'll be possible
for people in Germany, Italy,
to follow our example.
These people think they have,
they think they have something,
but they have nothing!
But we have to show to the people
that, that we have...
we're poor but we're alive
and we've got power now,
we don't have to be seized by fear.
We're alive, we'll die
when our time comes, but...
All French working people are,
are looking to us in Spain,
probably all around the world
and I think
it is not the right time to fight,