Land and Freedom

how they was winning the war.

Well, myself, it's hard to know
what's going on
in the rest of Spain.

But here, on the Aragon front,
we're holding our own.

And if only we had decent arms.
Who knows?
Perhaps a line of Russian tanks
will come rolling over the hill.

Some hope, eh?
Pigat, Garibaldi, Roca...
Come here.
Companeros, listen please.
I have to go to the Command Post
for a very important meeting

with the General Staff
of the Column.

And I say, very important
because we are going to
discuss about our integration

in the new Popular Army.
There is no choice.
The government in Valencia says
no more militia

and say we all must become part
in the new communist

led Popular Army.
Okay? So, if we refuse
they continue to withhold arms.

To keep arms from us.
Do you understand?
Let's take a vote, no? Votamos?
I have something to say, please.

Excuse me a moment, please.
This is probably the last time

that we can vote on something
as a militia. All right?

Maybe we could integrate
to the new Popular Army

and get the weapons
join together
and be still in the militia too.

You're a dreamer, Pigat.
It's impossible.
Look, I think we have,
we have to try to see

the reality
of the situation here. Okay?

Who's ever gonna give us guns,
the Russians or whomever

they're not going to
give them to us

if they don't think that
we know how to use them

and that
we're not properly trained.

So it makes sense
that the best training

is going to come from
a regular disciplined army.

That's obvious. I can't see
what's wrong with that at all.

Everything is wrong.
