The money will be on your desk
first thing in the morning.
How's the new one coming along?
I hear you got Dickie Gere.
- That is great, man.
- I got everybody in the movie.
Look, you're sick.
This is all I have in cash.
Please, don't drink it in here.
- Man.
- That's fine, Peter.
I'll messenger it over to you
in the morning.
I don't want it.
I think it would be the best thing
if you don't contact me again.
- What's your name?
- Terri.
- Terri, I am going to buy you a drink.
- I'm okay. Thanks.
Bud, please. Buy the lady a drink
and another one for you.
I'm Benjamin. Ben.
Benny Goodman, that's me.
I think you're sexy. That's right.
Look at those eyes.
Sexy like a kitty cat.
You turn me on
You're not too tall
You're not too short
You're not too round
You're like a cat
The cat in the hat
Look at those eyes.
Honest to God.
You're luminescent, baby.
- You've been drinking all day.
- Of course.
Speaking of drinks,
here is yours.
- Thanks.
- Down that hatch.
And here is mine.
Cheers. Come on.
There we go.
Let's do it to it.
I just thought
of an amazing concept.
What do you say
we finish these...
and we go back
to my apartment on the beach!
I'll throw a movie in the VCR...
and mix you up
a gooey blender drink.
Sound good? Sound sexy?