Leaving Las Vegas

Are you scared?
It's all right.
It's okay.
I bring out the best
in the men who fuck me.

It's not easy,
but I'm very good.

It's amazing. I haven't worked
for a really long time...

and I can just turn on a dime.
I can just become
who they want me to be.

I walk into that room,
I know right away...

this is their fantasy,
and I become it.

I'm that service.
I perform it, and I perform it well.

I'm an equation mostly.
Thirty minutes of my body
costs $300.

That's just to get into the room.
It's about $500 after that.
We negotiate.

But it's a performance.
It's definitely a performance.
I am very pleased with how
you've moved up in the world.

It is, after all,
a glamorous world I showed you.

Why did you leave me
in Los Angeles?
