I don't know, it's just--
I really like this guy.
I've never felt anything...
for anyone I've ever been with,
as a trick.
It's weird.
I feel kind of confused about it.
We were with each other
only one night...
but I felt like
the relationship--
I felt like there was
a relationship being formed.
I was kind of scared.
I don't think
I should see him again.
But I look for him.
I went out last night.
I was looking for him.
Where's your car?
I sold it this morning.
I'm gonna take cabs from now on.
What's it tonight?
Another 500 to watch you sleep?
- What's up?
- I was looking for you tonight.
I don't know
if you have a boyfriend...
or a girlfriend...
but, if you have
some free time...
I thought maybe
we could get some dinner.
Are you serious?
I think you know I'm serious.
I'll pay you if you like,
but I just want to see you.