All right.
Open this one first.
Very nice.
This should go very nicely
with my suit...
which, by the way,
is the only item of clothing...
I brought over
from the motel with me.
The suitcase was clinking.
What did you do
with your clothes?
I threw them out,
which was perhaps immoral...
but I wanted to come to you clean,
so to speak.
Thought we'd go shopping
for a pair of jeans...
and 45 pairs of underwear,
and just throw one out each day.
That's nice talk, Ben.
Keep drinking.
Between the 101-proof breath
and the occasional drool...
some interesting words
fall from your mouth.
It looks like
I'm with the right girl.
I'm very impressed
you would buy this for me.
I'm gonna fill it right now.
Do you want
to go gambling tonight?
I was thinking we could go
and just play for a few hours.
I hadn't planned to gamble...
but if you could keep
the bulk of my money...
I could safely blow
a couple hundred bucks.