Next I'll have a gin and tonic.
Do you know what time it is?
You should be drinking coffee.
You're a young guy.
It's none of my business...
but if you could see
what I see...
you wouldn't be doing this
to yourself.
I understand
what you're saying.
I appreciate your concern.
It's not my intention
to make you uncomfortable.
Please, serve me today,
and I'll never come in here again.
If I do, you can 86 me.
Stop fucking with me!
I can 86 you anytime I want to.
I don't give a fuck what you do.
That one's on the house, son.
Were you in Los Angeles
for the earthquake?
- It was pretty scary.
- Did you have a lot of damage?
- Just a little bit.
- Are you desirable?
Are you irresistible?
Maybe if you drank bourbon with me,
it would help.
If you kissed me, and I could taste
the sting in your mouth, it would help.
If you drank bourbon with me naked...
if you smelled of bourbon
as you fucked me, it would help.
It would increase
my esteem for you...
if you poured bourbon on your naked body
and said to me, "Drink this."
If you spread your legs and you had
bourbon dripping from your breasts...
and your pussy and said,
"Drink here"...