I want my drinky.
Oh, my God!
Are you okay?
You're bleeding.
Wait. Hold it.
- There's glass in here.
- I'm like a prickly pear!
- I'm a prickly pear!
- Go inside.
- I wanna clean up the glass.
- Go inside. I'll take care of it.
Are you sure?
All right.
- Everybody okay?
- We're fine.
I'm so sorry.
We'll pay for the table...
- and I'll clean this up.
- Don't worry.
You seem prepared for accidents.
We get a lot of screwups here.
You two take your loud talk
and your liquor to your room.
You check out
first thing tomorrow.
I don't want to see
either of you here ever again.
Don't you worry
about paying for anything.
And don't you worry about cutting
your little hands on the glass.
Let's just leave it at that.
See you in the morning.