I'm sick as hell.
What's wrong, pussycat?
Terminal cancer.
I'm stuck in the hospital.
That's awful.
I'll say!
Your sister said you made it big.
I screwed up bad.
Except for my kid.
He's Chinese. Real cute.
Soon he'll be an orphan, hounded
by thugs. Come get him.
You pop up out of nowhere
after fifteen years!
"Merignac" is history.
My name's Carco now.
- I saved your life!
- I know.
But I've changed.
I'm a big shot.
I've gone legit.
I saved your life in Rangoon.
I blew up the courtroom.
You forget fast.
I don't, pussycat.
I have a new life now.
He's on ajunket.
Here's the address.
You're being pushy.
His name's Bao.
I gave you a nickname.
Only he knows it.
What is it?
Oh, that's cute. Real cute.
He's just a kid.
He has a message foreou.
I hid 15 million dollars for him.
20% for you.
A good sum.
How did you get it?
Find the kid's mother.
She's Chinese. Lily Wong.
She lives in Brussels
with a painter.
Hold on, pussycat.
Keep me out of your love life.
Sweareou'll come, Antoine.
I swear, pussycat...
You're my only hope.
You're breaking my heart...
Did you get a second opinion?
You'll keep your kid, pussycat.
You have to keep faith, pussycat!