What is this?
I went to grad school in Paris.
My wife and I inherited this.
What is it?
A $300,000 bond.
Anyone can cash it
in any bank in the world.
We offer
some excellent investment plans.
I'd rather keep them
and respect Auntie's last wishes.
Watch out for pickpockets
in Hong Kong.
With our compliments.
Put on Luna.
Sorry about that phone call.
So the airport was a gag?
No, go in mourning.
Look devastated.
I'm sending you a kid
via a priest.
Can't Regina do it?
She'll think the kid's mine.
Who cares if he is?
He's the son of a friend who died.
Hey, I'm no dummy.
Keep the kid for a few days
until I can send him away to school.
Father Zoo thinks you're my wife
and that you're in mourning.
The kid thinks
you're his mom's friend. Get it?
I'll owe you one, sugar.
Was that Carco?
Don't tell anyone.
I have to pick up his son tomorrow.