You're not Swann.
Who are you?
Oh, I know what you want!
Hold on!
There you are!
Come on!
I've had a long time
to think about you.
Where did I go wrong?
I should have been honest
with you from the start.
I wasn't born
to show people the error of their ways.
I was born...
to murder the world!
You can still help me do that if you want.
Why would I want to do that?
The lady has a new love
in her life. Your friends...
are all dead. No-one
can save you now...
but me.
- Come on!
- We can't leave him there!
I'm not... going to!
Will you help me?
- Yes.
- You know I'll kill you
when we're done. I have to.
- Yes.
- But until then,
it'll be just the two of us.
The way it always was!
You still feel something for that bitch.