Yeah... wall-eyed Wally.
Yeah, Oakley under the boards,
my butt.
M.J. and Scottie'll
take care of the Knicks.
Pippen's bad.
The Knicks are playing
some mean D.
Hey, did you see what Jordan did
to that defense last night?
That's what
I'm talking about!
- Swoosh!
- I wouldn't trade defense...
Hey, hey, you got B.J.
Coming off...
Holy shit!
Stop the blade!
Stop the blade! Stop it!
What's he been given?
Two cc's epinephrine, I.M.
- Let's get him to the warmer.
- It's over there!
Let's roll! Get out of the way...
baby coming!
All right.
Okay, let's get
some new vitals on him.
What do we got here?
I need a half-normal saline
with glucose drip,
and get me a respirator.
- Hold it, hold it.
- Wait.
Where's the IV?
- No IV established?
- No.
- Why not?
- Not ready to get a line in.
Okay, 24-gauge ampule.
I'll do it myself.
Go ahead, hold that, yeah.
Let me have a blood gas.
He's a subdermal hematoma,
Mrs. Lanelli.
He's five months old.
You didn't think he might
roll off that top bunk?
He never did it before.
Well, now you know
it's possible.
He's not Peter Pan.
He can't fly.
We need you.
You're going to have
to wait here
until the x rays get back.
At least she didn't dump him
in a pot of boiling water, huh?
Yeah, she did that last month...
said his bath was too hot.
What have we got?
This one was found
in a dumpster.
- Social Services?
- Mm-hmm?
He's not breathing on his own.
Can you sign off?
Sign off?
Yeah. No extraordinary measures.
Why don't we just dump him back
in the garbage?
All right, lady...
play God.
Anyone got the paperwork
on Mr. Romano?
It's tachycardia.
BP's down.
Respiratory's erratic.
- BP up.
- It looks like a brain bleed.
Keep the oxygen up.
This infant's having a seizure.
Uh, doctor!
Phenobarbital, stat.
Let's get him up to NICU.