Mom, sit down,
make yourself comfortable.
Thank you.
This is gone if you don't
do well on the exam tomorrow.
...and hairline fractures
of the clavicle and cranium.
Burns and old scarring.
Maggie, what are you,
a social worker
or a war correspondent?
War correspondent.
Recommend foster care to avoid
further trauma to this child.
The old scar tissue
Uh, would you say
"multiple lacerations
to the upper torso"
one more time, please?
Patient continues
to have trauma...
"Hairline fracture."
- No. No.
- Hmm?
"Burns and old scarring"?
We continue to explore...
Charlie... would you
scratch my back?
Next case, B-14-20.
Child shows signs
of forced responsiveness
to his environment...
Cranial contusion.
How did you get this number?
I could meet you somewhere...
Show you the x rays.
Uh, oh, d-don't you have
a st-staff meeting tonight?
It's canceled.
Uh, Margaret, I can't, um...
I got a whole pile
of screwed-up wirings
got to be worked out
by tomorrow.
Oh, well.
There's a surgeon here
who's just dying to show me
some new suture-tying