He's married.
He ain't married.
You asked him?
You jealous?
Don't flatter yourself.
This goes way beyond you.
Black babies belong
with black mothers.
I'm not going to let you
do anything to mess that up.
Now, you break it off
with this guy,
or I drop the case.
This is your first place,
isn't it?
Welcome home.
I'm leaving.
Not without paying
for the rest of the time
you owe, you ain't.
Why Khaila gotta go, Mom?
Shut up, boy. My head hurts.
I don't want her to go.
Don't nobody care
what you want!
Now go on out of here!
Tell Josette to comb the naps
out your head!
Do something. Go!
What you looking at?
It ain't right for you
to talk to him like that.
Well, when you get your own kid,
you talk to him the way
you want to talk to him.
This kid here is mine... mine!
Just take your funky ass
outta here if you going!
Go on. Leave!