How was it?
The memorial service.
Well, it turned out
pretty we I...
Pretty well?
Pretty we is
pretty well.
Something good happened?
I can see it in your face.
What is it? You tel me.
When I went to his house
his mother showed me
his yearbook.
His yearbook?
His junior high's
when he lived in Otaru.
There was a list of addresses
at the end of the book.
I found his address there.
I'm sure there was.
His house is no longer there.
A highway runs over it now.
Which means that address
doesn't exist anymore.
I guess so.
Guess what? I wrote a letter
and mailed it to that address.
I addressed it to him.
What for?
The letter won't get there.
That's why I mailed it.
It's a letter to Heaven.
You're really full of surprises.
But...guess what happened?
I got a reply.
From Heaven?